
Lower Roy, Middle Spean and Spean Gorge

There was a lot of rain last night which meant most of the rivers were up all over West of Scotland. Sam, Allen and I started at the Lower Roy which is great fun in big water. We continued onto the Middle Spean and Spean Gorge which was at a brilliant level (it was sitting at 3 on the gauge) and good fun.

Inspecting and running Constriction.


Garry Again

It was just Ron Cameron and me on the Garry this evening, literally. It was much more relaxing compared to the Morriston on Tuesday. However I am having much more fun now that I have a proper play boat.
Unfortunately Ron was still putting me to shame but he has 40 years on me!

Ron Cameron



Well I have been working my way up to running this river for sometime and I paddled it rather successfully today. That is after the first attempt didn't go quite to plan. However I am really excited to go back and have another go because I am still buzzing from the first attempt.

There is a video of the Morriston on the Videos page.



It was a scorcher today and I was on Aonach Dubh. The weather was supposed to break later in the day o it was good to make use of the weather before it changed. Lawrence and I wanted to have a go on Trichord (HVS 5a*). I don't think we stuck completely to the right line, we may have strayed onto the easier pitches of Triceptor but we still had a good time.

On the second pitch.

Lawrence on the walk off.


No Midge Yet

Guy Steven on The Web (E2 5c**)
Finishing early from work today meant I had time to make use of the dry conditions. So I met up with Guy in the Glen and who had a shot on The Web. Then we headed to after crag  and I climbed what I thought was Rubberface but turned out to be Sauer (VS 4c).
Midgies haven't come out yet but it wont be long before they do.